You can get PrEP covered by most insurance plans. Our group of trusted providers will bill your insurance health plan. Discover the process below and learn the most cost-effective way to get PrEP.
Tele Health Visits
Our trusted medical providers will bill insurance for lab testing services. The medical provider will only bill you for any insurance deductables and co-pays. The medical provider will not accept any HMO/IPA plans. If you would like to use an Elm Care Trusted Provider for your tele-health visit and have an HMO plan, then you will need to pay the provider directly for their services.
Laboratory Testing
Our trusted laboratory partners will bill insurance for lab testing services. The partner laboratory will only bill you for any insurance deductibles and co-pays. The laboratory will not accept any HMO/IPA plans. If you would like to use an Elm Care Trusted laboratory for lab services and have an HMO plan, then you will need to pay the laboratory directly for their services.
Pharmacy Services
Our Trusted Pharmacy Partners will bill insurance for lab testing services. The partner pharmacy will only bill you for any insurance deductibles and co-pays. Our trusted pharmacy will bill your insurance including HMO/IPA plans (however, they do not bill Kaiser).
No Insurance or Under-Insured?
Ready, Set, PrEP
Brought to you by Patient Advocate Foundation, Ready, Set, PrEP expands access to HIV prevention medications. See how they can help you.
Co-Pay Relief
Get medical co-pay insurance assistance brought to you by Patient Advocate Foundation. Check eligibility requirements and get medical assistance.